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Beef Prime Rib Roast

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American Grassfed Association Certified- A higher standard than organic, and the highest level of accountability. 100% grass fed.

Born and Raised In Boulder County for Life
- You have probably driven or ridden your bike by our animals, and the chemical free pastures they spend their lives in.

Dry Aged 21+ days - For incredible tenderness.

Shorthorn Cattle- A breed that is adapted to LOVE eating native grasses. These cattle produce incredibly marbled beef on grass alone.

No Bullshit - No drugs, no cages, no feedlots, no hormones, ever.

Buckner Family Farm, Longmont, CO

"Whether it be lamb, pork, or beef, we believe the combination of breed, the 100% grass-fed diet (backed by American Grassfed Association certification), and the natural, stress-free environment within which our animals live creates the tastiest and finest local meat available--period. You just can't beat the quality and flavor of our specialty meat."

Owner/founders Clint and MaryKay Buckner, like their livestock and their two spirited young farmhands, Amelia and Levi, were raised in the fresh, high altitude air and vibrant sunshine unique to Colorado. Here, in the foothills of the Front Range, their love of community-focused, farm-to-table farming and ranching took root.

Since their inception in 2011, a greater appreciation for fresh, locally raised meat has allowed them to build a thriving, family-run business in the heart of northern Boulder County.  They raise 100% grass fed lamb and beef as well at 100% pasture raised pork.

Their Pork

The Berkshire hog, our heritage breed of choice, is known for its rich flavor and dark, naturally pink meat. Another robust animal, Berkshires are well suited to our cold winters and warm, dry summers. The meat Berkshire hogs produce is prized by chefs the world round.

Their Beef

Their 100% shorthorn cows are natural grazers that thrive on the open prairies of Boulder County. Shorthorns finish out earlier than most breeds and produce a well-marbled, tender meat - even with 100% grass finishing.

Their Lamb

Columbia and Rambouillet ewes - breeds renowned for a heartiness to match the western landscape - are bred with either Hampshire or Dorset rams to produce lamb noted for its mild flavor and tenderness. Their lamb, a favorite in restaurants and markets throughout Colorado, is truly special and is the meat that built our business.

Go in-depth with the gang at Buckner Family Farm by reading more about their story HERE!

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