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Duck Breast Quarters

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Pasture Raised- Our birds are never inside and spend their lives foraging for bugs and yummy plants. Guard dogs keep them safe, not cages.
Small Flocks- Our birds are kept in flocks smaller than 500, allowing them to be moved by hand to fresh chemical free pasture daily.
Fresh Milled Feed- Our birds feed is sourced locally and milled fresh in small batches for optimal nutrition.
Air Chilled- Superior flavor, chefs agree. No chlorine bath, no “solution” added, and 80% less bacteria than “solution” chilled poultry.
No Bullshit - No drugs, no cages, no hormones, no feedlots, ever.

JHawk Farm, Smith Center, KS

“We like that we can grow most of our own feed, we know the quality and where it comes from.”

Joe and Garoleen Wilson, founders of JHawk Farm, were high school sweethearts that returned to their hometown in Smith County, Kansas in 1994, and purchased their first lot of land so Garoleen could breed dogs for show. They started out with the dogs, alfalfa for the family horses, and meat for their own kitchen.  They then began raising Cornish-cross chickens for their county and beyond. They believe in giving the birds a clean and healthy environment with high-quality rations that use the freshest ingredients possible. In addition to forage and native grasses, the flock feeds on feed made from non-GMO corn, wheat, and roasted soybeans that are grown on the farm and sourced from the local farmer's coop.  In the pasture, the native grasses and legumes provide a well-rounded diet full of bugs and worms. With grassy pastures and cover crops to shade the grain crops, the fields and chickens at JHawk increase the fertility of organic matter while reducing the need for artificial chemicals. The chickens are rotated to fresh pasture daily using a roofed trailer that provides them access to fresh grasses and shelter. The trailer is protected by electric netting to keep away predators, and livestock guardian dogs accompany the chickens for extra protection.

Go in-depth with JHawk farm and read more about their story HERE!

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